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What are the forklift operation safety manuals

1. Restrictions on the use of forklift

Places with inflammable and explosive dust and gas in the air.

A tractor used as a gas vehicle

Transportation or lifting personnel

2. Responsibilities of operators

The forklift can only be operated after being trained and approved

Do not operate the forklift with oil on your hands and feet

Forklift safety manual and local safety regulations must be observed

Stacking forklift: it must be driven on the hard road and cannot work on the ground in the oil contaminated area.

Driving and guidance during driving

1. Do not drive at high speed

2. If you want to turn during driving, you must drive slowly

3. If the road is slippery, slow down to prevent the forklift from overturning

4. If the forklift needs to enter the elevator, ensure that the elevator can bear all the weight of the forklift and the goods.

5. Forklift is strictly prohibited to transport personnel.

6. If the goods block the sight, please ask the surrounding personnel for guidance to ensure safety.

7. Keep a certain distance from surrounding vehicles and personnel when the forklift is running.