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What is a forklift

Forklift is an industrial transport vehicle, which refers to various wheeled transport vehicles for loading, unloading, stacking and short-distance transportation of packaged pallet goods. The international organization for Standardization ISO / TC110 is called industrial vehicle. It is often used for the transportation of large objects in storage, usually driven by fuel engine or battery.


The technical parameters of the forklift are used to indicate the structural characteristics and working performance of the forklift. The main technical parameters include: rated lifting capacity, load center distance, maximum lifting height, gantry inclination angle, maximum driving speed, minimum turning radius, minimum ground clearance, wheelbase, wheel base, etc.

Shanghai Heyi forklift Co., Ltd. sells Hangzhou forklift, used forklift, forklift leasing, forklift recycling and other businesses.

website: http://www.heyicc.com/ Tel: 021-66867088